Introducing TahZi
TahZi has never been a domesticated animal before. And I don’t think that he has been living on Earth either. He has been large cats in the Universe. At the moment he has said that he doesn’t really think like a cat. Or think that he is a cat. He is trying to figure it out. In one way he believes that he is a lion. And the funny thing is that he has a “lion face” that he makes where he squints his eyes and opens his mouth, like an MGM roar. He is extremely independent. But he has his unique ways of showing affection. I think he is extremely soft and very kind and loving. But he is grappling with coming into a cat body on Earth that is a very large breed. He has a lot of growing pains. He won’t be full grown until he is 3 years old. Being a kitten, he is not mischievous at all. He has never destroyed anything. He is so careful and so open and so honest. I feel a profound energy from him. He is uniquely himself. He loves energy and follows it around the house. He only eats one thing. He wrestles with BrieA’nah already and doesn’t seem to be afraid of really anything. He listens to everything that is said to him and he always responds, talking in his language. He adores BrieA’nah and likes to just sit next to her. In some ways he acts like a dog. I have never known anyone quite like him and I am looking forward to how his personality changes as he grows a little bit more. He plays just a little bit. He has asked that I give him some time to work out how strange it is for him here. Sometimes he just holds paws with me. Or lays on my heart when I am meditating. I love this new member of the family.